2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Life, Activities and Special Services

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association represents the student body of the University. The Association consists of three branches, judicial, executive, and legislative, which includes dormitory men, dormitory women, and commuting students.

Its threefold purpose is (1) to arouse and maintain enthusiastic interest in and a spirit of loyalty to the various activities of the University. (2) To assume leadership in regulating and promoting the extra-curricular and social activities of the University. (3) To assume leadership in promoting and improving student life on the campus, creating a congenial relationship, understanding and spirit among the members of the university community, both student and faculty.

Campus Ministries

A variety of campus organizations provide. opportunities for students to grow in their faith journey and serve others through ministry programs and outreach. Students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of campus ministry programming, regardless of their religious affiliation or faith tradition. All ministries promote general Christian beliefs and traditions.

  • Appalachian Ministries: Appalachian Ministries provides opportunities for students to serve as mentors and role models for local children in community-based programs by providing recreation, teaching crafts and music, and sharing Biblical truths. Each site works in conjunction with local churches to create stability and consistency of relationships for the children.
  • Campus Ministries (CM) Campus Ministries develops student leaders by helping them grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. Students involved with Campus Ministries engage their faith through campus outreach, community service, and various discipleship and missions opportunities in partnership with local churches.
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a sports ministry that encourages fellowship among athletes and teams. Weekly gatherings include games, food, fun and small group discussions.
  • Mountain Outreach: Mountain Outreach engages students in a hands-on approach to ministry through construction projects such as ADA compliant ramps, bed builds, and home builds as well as other community-oriented events such as the Christmas gift program.

All campus ministry programs are supported by educated and experienced university staff members and student leaders who are devoted to helping students grow in their faith and serve others.

Leadership and Community Service Program

The goal of the Leadership and Community Service Program is to empower students to become compassionate agents of change, to use their knowledge and abilities to help others, to inspire responsibility, and to stimulate service as a life-long conviction. The University’s leadership program is designed to help students better understand how leadership is effectively exercised to enhance their personal leadership.

As a requirement for graduation, all main campus undergraduate students must participate in the Leadership/Community Service Program.

Two components of this program that are required before your graduation application will be approved follows:

*Students seeking an associate’s degree must only complete component one. Students seeking a bachelor’s degree must complete both.

Enroll in the UC Engage Course. All students who pass UC Engage (UCEN 101-01) will have two hours of community service added to their cumulative service hours credited toward graduation for the semester completed.

  1. Students who meet one or more of the following criteria before the 15-week main-campus term begins may be exempt from participating in UC Engage:
    • Enrolled in Orientation 100
    • Senior standing (90 semester hours)
    • Students who are 25 years of age or older and/or have custody of dependents.
    • Military Veterans or Active Service Members
  2. Each undergraduate main campus student at UC must complete and report a minimum of 40 hours of community service to graduate.

Hutton Scholar Program

Students enrolled in a four-year undergraduate academic program who complete and report 200+ community service hours will be recognized at the spring graduation ceremony after their degree conferral and receive a certificate as a distinguished Hutton Scholar.

Military Veterans or Active Service Members will receive 200 community service hours automatically with proof of service and will be recognized as Hutton Scholars.

Student Success

The Student Success office provides support for all undergraduate students to build a strong academic foundation and reach their goals. These programs include summer orientation sessions and the OREN 100: First Year Foundations course to help new students transition to the University’s academic and co-curricular pathways. Student Success Coordinators also serve as an academic advisor for all students. Students will also gain a faculty advisor in their chosen academic area to provide additional mentorship to students.

Clubs and Organizations

Students have many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities; among these are American Chemical Society, American Choral Directors Association, Appalachian Ministries, Baptist Campus Ministries, Mountain Outreach, Patriot Adventure Club, Campus Activity Board, Council for Exceptional Children, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Gamma Sigma Pi, Intramural Activities, Mathematics and Physics Club, Mu Phi Epsilon (Music), N.E.A.S.P., HSB Business Club, Psychology Club, Residence Hall Council, Sociology/Social Work Club, Sports Medicine Club, Student Admissions Staff, Student Alumni Relations Council, Student Government Association, Collegiate National Association for Music Education, and a number of academic honors societies. A list of campus organizations can be found online at http://www.ucumberlands.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations.


The University of the Cumberlands athletic department is a proud member of the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes) and of the Mid-South Conference. Patriot Athletics has 28 sports teams with four of them being Co-Ed. The Patriots success include capturing the 2023-2024 Learfield Director’s Cup and has won the MSC President’s Cup for the third consecutive year. We are proud to be one of the premier NAIA schools in the country. As a department, we are focused on being #OneBigTeam and for our student athletes to Love the Logo. 

Intramural Activities

The purpose of the Intramural Sports program at University of the Cumberlands is to provide a wide variety of activities to meet the recreational and competitive needs of University of the Cumberlands student body.

Some offerings for students include Flag football, 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 basketball.  There are also tournaments in Volleyball, Cornhole, Spikeball, Ping Pong, and Powerlifting.  Students are provided a trip to go hiking and rock climbing each semester as well.  These are the core sports and campus rec activities offered throughout the school year, but feedback from the student body can help in providing additional sports/activities if the request is initiated by the student body.

Each sport that is offered will have either a season or a one-day tournament. Depending on how many teams are involved in a particular sport will determine how long the season may be. At the end of each season, there will be a tournament to determine a championship team or champion as the program progresses. At the conclusion of each event, each team or individual winner will receive a reward from the Campus Rec staff.

Schedule of games, notice of special events, and any related announcements will be posted via Wellness Center social media sites. No University credit is given for intramural athletics, but all students are encouraged to participate.

Grover M. Hermann Library

Grover M. Hermann Library provides access to a variety of both electronic and print resources that support the University’s academic disciplines. The electronic resources include eBooks, full text journal articles, streaming music and video collections, citation guides, government documents, and other information sources. The library staff provides reference services through Ask A Librarian, Chat, email, video, in person conference, and library instruction for on-campus and online students. Additional resources and services offered through the library include interlibrary loan, study rooms with media capabilities, equipment for making academic presentations, daily and overnight laptop lending, large mobile markerboards, personal markerboards, computer stations, printing, photocopying, laminating, and binding. The Makerspace at Grover M. Hermann Library offers a space where UC students, faculty, and staff can have learning experiences through innovation, creativity, and collaboration using a variety of technology and creative tools. The Library’s web page serves as a gateway to the information resources and services available. Materials not available in the Library’s collection can be requested from other libraries through interlibrary loan. The Library is open seven days a week during the Fall and Spring semesters.  Library hours are modified during breaks and summer.  Library hours are posted on the Library’s web page and in the Library entryways.

Student Publications

Students at University of the Cumberlands have the opportunity to contribute to the University newspaper, The Patriot; to Pensworth, the University literary magazine; and to the Upsilonian, the History Department publication.

Special Services

The Learning Commons - The Learning Commons offers free and convenient tutoring in all academic subjects to all University of the Cumberlands students. The Director and staff of trained tutors are available daily to provide courteous service to all students seeking to improve competencies through individualized or computerized assistance. All students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities available for tutoring early in each semester. Students can sign up for tutoring and other services by utilizing the forms found at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/academics/academic-advising-assistance/learning-commons 

Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was established to render service both to the University and to its former students. It is the purpose of the Association to aid in the growth and development of the college, to promote the best interests of alumni, and to enable alumni to maintain contact with the University and with each other. 

Alumni | University of the Cumberlands (ucumberlands.edu)

Career Services

The Career Services Office provides a variety of services for all UC students. Individual appointments, seminars and class presentations are conducted to assist with: career interest and assessment, résumé writing, interview skills and job search tactics. Full- time job, part-time job, and internship opportunities are posted on-line at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/career-services.

We offer a variety of resources for students to use to assist with their own personal career development journey. Be it career assessment or exploration, job/internship information or postings, cover letter and resume writing, interview techniques, or opportunities to attend career fairs, we strive to meet your needs.

Resources are available for current UC students and alumni. Both in -seat and on-line students may utilize our services. Platforms including Handshake, GoinGlobal and Big Interview are easily accessible, self -directed and user friendly. Should you need additional assistance, you may stop by the offices in the mid-level of Boswell Campus Center (BCC) or contact us at career.services@ucumberlands.edu.

Counseling Center

Free and confidential counseling services are available to University of the Cumberlands students. Services for a wide variety of concerns including stress, adjusting to college, depression, anxiety, substance use, relationship struggles, and more are provided. Services can be accessed on the main campus in Williamsburg, Kentucky through the Counseling Center located in the Browning Building. You may schedule your own initial appointment by emailing to counselingcenter@ucumberlands.edu or by calling 606-539-3566. UGOL students not residing in Kentucky, can request counseling support through the referral program.

For additional information regarding counseling services, including assistance with scheduling appointments and/or information about other community resources, please contact Jodi Carroll, MSW, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Health: 606-539-3553; Jodi.carroll@ucumberlands.edu (main campus in Williamsburg and online programs) If this is a life-threatening emergency, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

Health Services

Health services are available through the Grace Health Campus Health Clinic and local physicians to serve the medical needs of the student. Any medical, dental or hospital bills incurred by the student are the student’s responsibility. Health & Wellness | University of the Cumberlands (ucumberlands.edu)

Information Technology (IT) Services

The IT office, located in the basement of the Information Technology Building, provides general help with technology related issues including: email, myUC, iLearn, and Internet connectivity. The hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Computer instruction and use are available to all University of the Cumberlands students through the web portal at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/information-technology-services.

Microsoft Office 365 is available as a free for download for all students. Multiple computer labs are available across campus and include access to free printing. Electronic mail and access to UCOnline resources are available to both in-seat and online students.

Registration of Motor Vehicles

All motorized vehicles parked on the main campus, with the exception of vehicles belonging to commuting evening students, must be registered annually with the Office of Parking Control, located in the Gatliff Building. The Annual Parking Permit is valid from August 15 to August 15.


Reservation of a Room

After receipt of the $125.00 initial enrollment deposit and a housing application, room assignments are made by the Dean of Student Life on a first-come, first-served basis. Entering students are notified of their room assignments as these are made.

Students rooming in residence halls furnish their own towels, pillows, bed linens, blankets and comforters. The cancellation deadlines for housing reservations are as follows:

  • Returning students starting fall 2021 term the deadline is July 1, 2021
  • Freshman / Transfer students starting fall 2021 the deadline is August 1, 2021
  • Freshman / Transfer students starting January 2022 term the deadline is January 2, 2022
  • Returning students starting January 2022 term deadline is January 2, 2022

The Resident Assistant Program

The primary purpose of the Resident Assistant Program is to facilitate the personal services of all students who live in the University’s residence halls. The program affords training in leadership and responsibility among peers, as well as remunerative benefits. It provides for a liaison between students and administration via personal services rendered which can be maintained in no other way.