2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Financial Information

Statement of Financial Responsibility Disclosure Statement

Registration at University of the Cumberlands is a binding contract between University of the Cumberlands (hereafter referred to as “University”) and the student where the student electronically consents, accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions of the University’s Statement of Financial Responsibility Disclosure.

The student understands and agrees that registration for classes, enrollment in or cancellation of room and board contract constitutes their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Statement of Financial Responsibility Disclosure. Likewise, the student’s consent demonstrates an acknowledgment of debt and promise to pay for all assessed tuition, room and board, fines, fees and other associated costs by the applicable payment due date.

University Regulations, Rules and Policies

The student is responsible for reviewing, understanding and abiding by the University’s policies, procedures, requirements and deadlines.


The student consents to receive electronic communication through the UC One student email account, which is the University’s official method of communication with current and former students. The student understands they are the primary contact for all communication, including electronic billing statements, payment reminder(s), payment method(s) and direct deposit refund(s). The student is responsible for regularly reading, reviewing and managing their myUC student email account, so important information may be received thus allowing the student to take any necessary action on their behalf. Failure to view billing statements is not a valid reason for not paying financial obligations by the payment due date. The student consents to being contacted on all past, current or future phone numbers, including cellular phone(s) or other wireless device(s) using automated telephone dialing equipment - artificial, pre-recorded or text messages. The student’s consent also includes being contacted through email account(s) and at physical addresses provided to the University. The University may share this information with its agents, representatives and attorneys (including collection agencies) solely for the purpose of collecting any portion of their financial obligation. Federal Regulations require the University to only communicate with the student and the student’s designated authorized users regarding billing and financial aid information. The student assumes sole responsibility for establishing authorized users (parents, grandparents, legal guardians, etc.) and will not hold the University liable for sending billing statements to individuals the student has designated. Authorized users will receive a billing statement and related billing notification at their established email address.

Student Financial Account Record

All charges and payments for tuition, fees, room and board, and other charges are recorded on the Student Account Record. Bookstore charges and library fines are also transferred to this permanent financial record in the Office of Student Accounts’.

Financial Clearance

Full payment of an account or satisfactory financial arrangements of an account for all charges for previous semesters are due on or before registration.

Monthly Payment Plan Option

The monthly payment plan option of four, three or two payments allows students to spread payments across a semester. Students are able to schedule tuition, fees, room and board costs into a monthly plan. A late payment plan fee of $50 will be charged if the installment payment is not received in full within five days of the payment due date. Additionally, in absence of satisfactory payment (i.e.-balance paid in full/ covered in full by financial aid) or if the student account is or becomes delinquent, the University will place a hold restricting registration and transcript access. Please note, the University reserves the right to drop future term registration based on any unsatisfactory payment and/ or missed payment(s).

Payment Plan Auto Enrollment

University of the Cumberlands’ automated enrollment payment plan for students allows students to better manage their educational expenses by spreading the costs throughout the semester. This plan is for students who do not make financial preparation for any given semester. Students who plan ahead and have satisfactory payment arrangements to cover their educational expenses in full will not be impacted. A late payment plan fee of $50 will be charged if the installment payment is not received in full within five days of the payment due date. Additionally, in absence of satisfactory payment (i.e. -balance paid in full/ covered in full by financial aid) or if the student account is or becomes delinquent, the University will place a hold restricting registration. Please note, the University reserves the right to drop future term registration based on any unsatisfactory payment and/ or missed payment (s).

Class Fees

Registration in some classes may require additional fees that are not covered by tuition and fees such as, but not limited to material fees, lab fees, malpractice insurance, student liability insurance, etc.


The One Price Promise Text Program is a course materials delivery program that provides free course materials and ensures students have their required course materials on the first day of class.

Cancellation Deadlines

Specific deadline dates for cancellation/refunds are posted to the Student Financial Center webpage at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/student-life/student-services/sfc.

IRS Form 1098-T

The student agrees to provide their Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) to University of the Cumberlands upon request as required by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for Form 1098-T reporting purposes. The student consents to receive their annual IRS Form 1098-T electronically from University of the Cumberlands.

The student understands that if they do not receive their Form 1098-T electronically due to an inactive email account, spam filters or any other means outside of the University’s control, the student can contact the Office of Student Accounts for instructions on how to access their 1098-T Form.

Tuition and Fees 2024-2025


The tuition listed below is the rate when students are enrolled in 12.0-18.5 credit hours per semester. The charge for students with less than 12.0 hours is pro- rated. Tuition charges and refunds are based upon the start date of the semester as announced in the catalog. All charges are subject to change as per University Leadership and Board of Trustees.

Undergraduate On-Campus Rate

* Over 18.5 Hours Fee: An additional tuition charge of $160 per hour is assessed for each hour above 18.5.

Undergrad On-Campus Rate
Part-time rate $335/ credit hour

Undergrad On-Campus Summer Rate
(In-seat or online) $265/credit hour

Undergraduate UC Online Rate
$220.00/credit hour


Room and Meals $9,300.00/year
Technology Fee

Individual Course fees:

Education Supervisor’s Fee:  
EDUC 237 $50.00
ELEM 491, EDUC 492, EDUC 493, EDUC 494, EDUC 495, EDUC 497, ELMS 491, SPED 499 $200.00

Expenses per semester for previous years may be obtained by contacting the Office of Student Accounts. University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, 40769: (606) 539-4472.

Late Payment Fees

A student’s account is subject to a late fee for returned payment, non-payment or insufficient payment after the payment due date. Any student account balance setup on the monthly payment plan is subject to a $50 late fee, if the minimum required payment is not received by the monthly payment plan due date.

Drop for Non-Payment

The student is responsible for withdrawing from courses following the procedures outlined within the University’s Official Withdrawal policy. Any refund of tuition is based on the University’s Tuition and Fees Refund Schedule. The University reserves the right to drop/withdrawal a student’s registration for non-payment including missed payment(s) if a student does not meet the University’s payment due date.

Returned Payments

The University reserves the right to suspend, revoke or prevent any payment submission based on insufficient funds, returned check or credit card chargeback and returned payments when the student account reaches three occurrences including ACH, physical check, credit or debit card or any combination thereof. In the event of reaching this limit, the student may be prohibited from submitting payments through any of the aforementioned processing methods and/or signing up for a payment plan. As a result, the Office of Student Accounts will assess a $25 a non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee for each insufficient funds or returned check and require certified funds for future payments.

Past Due Accounts/Collections

The student account balance is due on the payment due date at the beginning of each term. If your student account is, becomes or remains past due, the University may restrict access to either current and future registration.

If a student fails to pay any tuition, fees, room and board, bookstore charges or other miscellaneous expenses or a student fails to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring their student account current, the University may refer the delinquent account to a collection agency and/or report the student to credit reporting bureaus. The student is responsible for all collection charges associated with the collection of the debt, including but not limited to: collection agency fees, reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, and all other charges allowed by law. These costs may add over 33 1/3% to the balance due. Once a student account has been referred to a collection agency, the additional collections fee cannot be removed from the account and the student must make all payment arrangements with the collection agency.


The University reserves the right to require pre-payment of an upcoming semester or term prior to the start of each session.

Financial Hold

The University reserves the right to place a financial hold on any student account with a past due balance. A past due balance will result in a financial hold, which prevents a future term’s registration.

Financial Aid

The University will begin disbursing offered financial aid after being accepted and that has all requirements satisfied during the third week of class for each semester. Scholarship and grant aid are accepted automatically on the student’s behalf. Financial Aid (grants, loans and scholarships) that has been authorized, but not paid to the student account is considered to be anticipated. Anticipated aid is deducted from the current term balance when reviewing your account activity in the UC One portal. Any balance not covered by financial aid will be billed to your student account and is subject to the payment due date. If the remaining balance after financial aid is not submitted by the payment due date or scheduled and current on a payment plan, then the student account is subject to a late fee.

After the financial aid is disbursed, it will be applied to the student account; however, there will be no further reduction in the remaining balance because the aid was taken into consideration while in the anticipated status. A current academic year/term federal financial aid cannot be used to pay a prior balance from a previous academic year/term balance. In certain instances, private loans may be acquired by the student to pay a previous academic year/term balance. All offered financial aid is subject to change based on federal, state and institutional polices, rules and regulations.

Third Party Sponsorship

It is the students’ responsibility to submit vouchers/ authorization to a Third Party Sponsor for tuition and fees. It is a students’ responsibility to manage, review and contact the sponsor regarding agreed upon promises to pay or missing payments toward a student account. If the sponsor does not pay, the responsibility still resides with the student and will remain the responsibility of the student.


Refundable credit balances on a student’s account are generally processed starting the third week of each semester. Refunds of excess financial aid will be processed continually during the term as financial aid is disbursed. In the event a student has received the maximum amount of financial aid allowed based on their financial aid budget, the University reserves the right to return or reduce any payment, which created the credit balance status.

Tuition, fees, charges and expenses incurred after the processing of refunds may create a balance owed to the University. In the event a balance is created due to a refund, the student is responsible for monitoring their student account status and submitting any amount owed to the University. To prevent an outstanding balance from non-allowable charges, the student may complete a Title IV authorization to allow the University to apply excess federal funds to cover non-allowable charges (i.e. bookstore charges, parking fines, student fines, course fees).

Refund Schedule

16 Week Main Session  
Official Date of Withdrawal Refund Percentage
Week 1&2 100%
Week 3 of classes 60%
Week 4 of classes 40%
Week 5 of classes 20%
After 5th week of classes 0%
8 Week Session  
Official Date of Withdrawal Refund Percentage
Week 1 & 2 100%
Week 3 of classes 60%
After 3rd week of classes 0%

Room & Board Refund Policy

To be eligible for a refund of room and board fees, the student must follow the official housing withdrawal procedures outlined in the student handbook. Students who unofficially withdrawal from the University forfeit their right to a refund, whether full or prorated. Any student removed from University housing for disciplinary action will be responsible for paying all room and board charges for the active semester.

Official Date of Withdrawal Charge Refund
Last Day of Daily Rate of Prorated based on
Registration $40 per day Move Out Date
Week 2 20% of Term Rate 80%
Week 3 40% of Term Rate 60%
Week 4 60% of Term Rate 40%
Week 5 80% of Term Rate 20%
After 5th Week of Classes 100% of Term Rate 0%

Withdrawal Policy

Students must officially withdraw through the Office of Academic Affairs. Students who fail to officially withdraw forfeit all rights to a refund or reduction in fees. See the procedures for official withdrawal later in this catalog.

The student is responsible for notifying the Office of the Registrar and following all University course drop and withdrawal policies and procedures.

If a student does not attend a course(s) and did not submit a drop or withdrawal form, the student is responsible for the grade and cost of that course(s).

If a student begins a course(s) and decides not to continue with the course(s) and does not submit a drop or withdrawal form, the student is responsible for the grade and cost of that course(s).

The University recommends that students discuss the academic and financial implications of a withdrawal prior to making the decision to withdrawal.

If a student no longer is receiving financial aid, tuition reimbursement, scholarships, or refuse financial aid, this does not automatically communicate intent to drop course(s) or withdrawal from the university. In addition, failure to submit payment to the University by the published deadlines does not relieve a student from financial obligations owed to the University.

For additional questions please contact: studentfinancial@ucumberlands.edu

Student Loan Advocate

For Washington State residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer, please visit https://wsac.wa.gov/loan-advocacy or contact Student Loan Advocate at loanadvocate@wscac.wa.gov.