Emphasis Area: 21-26 Credit Hours
Major Requirements- 69-75 hours for one specialization or 93-101semester hours for two specializations as follows, depending upon specialization: or 93-101semester hours for two specializations as follows, depending upon specialization:
Middle School Education (5-9) is designed for students wishing to be certified to teach in grades 5-9. In addition to the General Education and required Professional Education Courses , students pursuing this option must also complete a specialization in Mathematics, Science, or English/Communications, or Social and Behavioral Studies or from Special Education Learning and Behavior Disorders. In fulfillment of the state curriculum guidelines, a list of the curriculum that will be offered to satisfy the specialization for middle school teachers is listed under Middle School (5-9) Education Emphasis Requirements
Students who complete a minor in Spanish or World Languages automatically receive the B.A. degree