2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student and Special Services

All student services provided by the College are available to graduate students. The Office of Student Affairs, located in the Boswell Campus Center, contains the offices of the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director for Student Development. These offices will assist all college students enrolled, full- or part-time.

Students who plan to live in campus housing should visit the website, https://www.ucumberlands.edu/housing, to complete a housing application. Please email the housing office with any additional questions at housing@ucumberlands.edu.

Students who plan to live off-campus may contact the Student Affairs Offices for a listing of local landlords and properties available.

Student Affairs can be contacted through the departmental email, studentaffairs@ucumberlands.edu.

Learning Commons

The Learning Commons offers free and convenient tutoring in all academic subjects to all University of the Cumberlands students. The Director and staff of trained tutors are available daily to provide courteous service to all students seeking to improve competencies through individualized or computerized assistance. Students can sign up for tutoring and other services by utilizing the forms found at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/learningcommons

Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was established to render service both to the University and to its former students. It is the purpose of the Association to aid in the growth and development of the college, to promote the best interests of alumni, and to enable alumni to maintain contact with the University and with each other.

Career Services

The Career Services Office provides a variety of services for all UC students. Individual appointments, seminars, and class presentations are conducted to assist with: career interest and assessment, résumé writing, interview skills, and job search tactics. Full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and internship opportunities are posted online at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/career-services.

We offer a variety of resources for students to use to assist with their own personal career development journey. Be it career assessment or exploration, job/internship information or postings, cover letter and resume writing, interview techniques, or opportunities to attend career fairs, we strive to meet your needs. Resources are available for current UC students and alumni. Both in-seat and online students may utilize our services. Platforms including Handshake, GoinGlobal, and Big Interview are easily accessible, self -directed, and user friendly. Should you need additional assistance, you may stop by the offices in the mid-level of Boswell Campus Center (BCC) or contact us at career.services@ucumberlands.edu.

Counseling Center

Free and confidential counseling services are available to University of the Cumberlands students. Services for a wide variety of concerns including stress, adjusting to college, depression, anxiety, substance use, relationship struggles, and more are provided. Services can be accessed as follows: In person on the main campus in Williamsburg, Kentucky: University of the Cumberlands’ Student Affairs collaborates with the School of Counseling to provide the Counseling Center located in the Browning Building. You may schedule your own initial appointment by emailing counselingcenter@ucumberlands.edu or by calling 606-539-3566. Students not residing in Kentucky can request counseling support through the referral program.

For additional information regarding counseling services, including assistance with scheduling appointments and/or information about other community resources, please contact Jodi Carroll, MSW, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Health: 606-5393553; Jodi.carroll@ucumberlands.edu (main campus in Williamsburg and online programs)

If this is a life-threatening emergency, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

Health Services

Health services are available through the Campus Health Clinic and local physicians to serve the medical needs of the student. Any medical, dental or hospital bills incurred by the student are the student’s responsibility. All students are required to carry basic health insurance.

Grover M. Herman Library

Grover M. Herman Library provides access to a variety of both print and electronic databases that support the University’s academic disciplines. The Library’s print resources include books, periodicals, music scores, media, and microforms. The electronic resources include ebooks, full-text journals, databases, streaming music and video collections, citation guides, art images, government documents, and other information sources. Library users may access online resources on-campus or off-campus by providing their campus email username and password in the University Network Sign On Form that appears when the user clicks on a database or a link in UC MegaSearch. The library staff support graduate student research through reference services, Ask A Librarian email service, Chat, library instruction, and interlibrary loan services for on-campus and online students. The Library webpage includes links to UC MegaSearch for searching almost all of the Library’s resources. Research Guides developed to highlight specific resources for each academic discipline, A-Z Database list, UC CAT for print books and media and some ebooks, Journal Title Search, Citation Help, Interlibrary Loan Forms, and Library Orientation Session Registration.

The Library offers interlibrary loan services to faculty, students, and staff. Interlibrary Loan is a service that provides journal articles and some other types of materials that are not available through the current Library resources at no charge to the patron. Students seeking interlibrary loan materials may request them online by accessing the forms located on the Library’s homepage. The Library Director coordinates the timely delivery of interlibrary loan materials requested by graduate students. Delivery of these materials includes sending PDF copies of journal articles and other resources via email. Books requested through Interlibrary Loan may be selfservice pickup at the Library by the student, or mail delivery to the student’s home address provided the student resides outside of Whitley County but within the United States.

The library is open seven days a week during regular school terms. Additionally, the Hagan Memorial Library maintains reduced summer hours. Library hours are posted on the front door and on the Library’s homepage.

Information Technology (IT) Services

The IT office, located in the basement of the Gatliff Building, provides general help with technologyrelated issues including email, myUC, iLearn, and Internet connectivity. The hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Computer instruction and use are available to all University of the Cumberlands students through the web portal at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/information-technology-services.

Microsoft Office 365 is available free for download for all students. Multiple computer labs are available across campus and include access to free printing. Electronic mail and access to UCOnline resources are available to both in-seat and online students.

Registration of Motor Vehicles - All motorized vehicles parked on the main campus, with the exception of vehicles belonging to commuting evening students, must be registered annually with the Office of Parking Control, located in the Smiddy Building. The Annual Parking Permit is valid from August 15 to August 15.