2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Regulations

Students admitted to the University are subject to the University’s rules and regulations. Some of these may be found in the University’s Catalog and in the Student Handbook, both of which are available online and in other formats through Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Admissions, and other offices.

While the information presented here is as accurate as possible as of the date of publication, the University reserves the right to make changes as future circumstances may require.

The Student Handbook contains information of great significance to the students of University of the Cumberlands. Every University of the Cumberlands student should make himself familiar with the contents of this student handbook. Since this bulletin includes regulations with respect to student conduct, and since every student may avail himself of a copy, each student is expected to abide by the standards and regulations set forth in this publication.

Failure to receive a Student Handbook does not excuse the student from abiding by the rules and regulations as written in the Handbook.

The University Community

University of the Cumberlands seeks to be a place of free inquiry and a community, which searches for truth. As the University invites the infusion of student opinion, the University expects students to respect the opinions of others, including fellow students, faculty, staff, and members of the administration. Students are expected to express their opinions and thoughts in ways that are appropriate in this Christian academic community.

The University offers no sanctuary to any individual who condones, advocates, or participates in behavior deemed inappropriate by the University. Any person who engages in such behavior will be disciplined.

“Participation in” means being present at gatherings that include activities not sanctioned by the University, whether one is an active participant or not. Failure to obey orders of University officials during any type of situation may result in immediate suspension from school.

The University admits students who come here voluntarily to continue their education, presumably with a full understanding of the rules and regulations. Once having entered this University, students are expected to abide not only by the policies and procedures of the campus, but by the laws of this nation.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

At a Christian liberal arts university committed to the pursuit of truth and understanding, any act of academic dishonesty is especially distressing and cannot be tolerated. In general, academic dishonesty involves the abuse and misuse of information or people to gain an undeserved academic advantage or evaluation. The common forms of academic dishonesty include:

Cheating - using deception in the taking of tests or the preparation of written work, using unauthorized materials, copying another person’s work with or without consent, or assisting another in such activities.

Lying - falsifying, fabricating, or forging information in either written or spoken presentations.

Plagiarism - using the published writings, data, interpretations, or ideas of another without proper documentation.

Multiple submissions - submitting the same academic written or oral work for which credit was previously received, without the approval of the instructor.

Episodes of academic dishonesty are reported as appropriate to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The potential penalty for academic dishonesty includes:

  1. a failing grade on a particular assignment,
  2. a failing grade for the entire course,
  3. suspension or expulsion, or
  4. revocation of a degree.

Disability Accommodations

University of the Cumberlands accepts qualified students without regard to disabilities and provides reasonable accommodations in the classroom, housing, food service, or other areas for students with documented disabilities. The University’s obligation to reasonably accommodate any student’s disability ends where the accommodation would pose an undue hardship on the University or where the accommodation in question would fundamentally alter the academic program.

Mrs. Shirley Stephens serves as the Coordinator of Student Accommodations. For accommodations to be provided, a student must complete an Accommodations Application form (available online at https://www.ucumberlands.edu/accessibility) and provide appropriate documentation of the disability.

Documentation should include statements from a qualified professional stating the disability, how the diagnosis was determined, a description of functional limitations, and specific accommodation recommendations. Accommodations records from a high school or previously attended educational institution may qualify as appropriate documentation, but supplemental documentation may be requested. Additional information regarding accommodations can be found in the Guidelines for Documentation (available online at: https://www.ucumberlands.edu/accessibility.

When all the paperwork is on file, a meeting between the student and the Coordinator will be arranged to discuss possible accommodations before accommodations are formally approved. Students must renew academic accommodations at the start of each new term. Certifications for other accommodations are normally reviewed annually. All accommodations may be reviewed at any time at the request of the student or of the Disabilities Services Coordinator.

Name and Contact Information Changes

It is every student’s responsibility to keep the registrar informed of current contact information throughout their program and enrollment. Changes of name, address, and telephone number must be reported within seven days of occurrence through the myUC portal. Students are required to use the email address provided by the University. The University will not be held responsible for consequences incurred as a result of our inability to contact students in a timely manner due to contact information changes that were not reported to the registrar.

Attendance Policy

Course enrollment and participation will be monitored and verified for all students during the first two weeks of classes. Lack of participation during this time may jeopardize enrollment status. Each student is expected to meet course expectations by completing the coursework required each week. Active participation and staying abreast of the material are essential to success. Program-specific attendance policies may still apply. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is the authorized agent to consider any exceptions to the above regulations.

Force Majeure

The University may be required to shift its classes to an online format, or the University’s administration may consider it necessary to move one or more classes to an online format, as a matter of health and safety or by reason of a force majeure. If a class moves to an online format, in most cases, students will be required to continue the class online, make a timely withdrawal under the University’s normal withdrawal policies, or request a grade of “Incomplete” if appropriate. If a class can neither continue in-seat nor be moved online, students will be allowed to withdraw from the course without any academic penalty and receive a full refund. If a student is required to isolate or quarantine, the student may be required to move to online instruction even if the class continues with in-seat instruction. Examples of circumstances considered in the nature of force majeure include fires, earthquakes, floods, windstorms, or other severe weather or “acts of God;” war, riots, or civil unrest; governmental orders, directives, or recommendations related to health or safety; or any similar situation beyond the University’s control. Except as specifically provided above, all withdrawals and refunds will be handled according to the University’s normal policies included in this Catalog.

Course Cancellation Policy

Every effort is made to deliver the courses listed for a particular Academic term. Some circumstances may be out of the control of the institution that may affect course availability. Some of these issues may include the lack of qualified faculty to teach the course due to changes in health or circumstances, low course enrollment, or other factors. In the event that a course that appears on the Academic Schedule needs to be canceled, enrolled students will be contacted via email by the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s office will also notify the student’s advisor of this development so they can provide assistance to the student in finding an appropriate substitute.

Academic Leave of Absence

A student may request temporary leave from their program of study. An official Academic Leave of Absence (ALOA) from the University, which, when granted, permits the student to maintain matriculated status although not in attendance and to resume study without applying for readmission. Students may request an ALOA for a period not to exceed one calendar year (12 consecutive months). An ALOA is granted following completion of the appropriate form available from the Office of the Registrar. An ALOA form must include starting and ending dates and the reason for the leave. Please note that there must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the ALOA. An ALOA will not be approved for student’s subject to disqualification or dismissal due to academic deficiencies or disciplinary action. Students on ALOA may not participate in and/or hold leadership positions in a registered University organization or athletic team.

A student who takes an ALOA from the University after the Add/ Drop period of the bi term or the main term will be given a grade of “W” for each course. If the student wishes to take an ALOA after week 7 of the bi term or week 11 of the main term, he/she will be given a grade of “F” for each course unless program-specific guidelines apply. In either case, students will be dropped from any future courses for which they may have been registered. The official date of the ALOA is the date the form is received by the Registrar, and this date is used by the Office of Student Accounts to determine the amount of refund due according to University policy. Students receiving financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office to clarify the effect the ALOA may have upon eligibility and repayment.

A student granted an ALOA is a student that is not in attendance but is not considered to have officially withdrawn from the University. If the student is a Title IV recipient, The Higher Education Act requires the University to calculate a Return to Title IV Funds on all federal financial aid students who are no longer attending their classes. Students who do not intend to finish their studies at University of the Cumberlands must officially go through the University withdrawal process.

Re-admission may be granted when the student informs the Registrar’s Office in writing at least one month prior to their projected re-entry date and their file has been reviewed by the Registrar. Please note that a personal meeting between the student and university representative from the academic department may be necessary. If a student does not return within one year, the student will need to reapply for admission to the university. Program-specific leave of absence policies may still apply. Services for Graduate Students

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The UC IRB is a review committee established to help protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects. All educational research involving human subjects conducted by students, faculty, and staff at University of the Cumberlands must obtain prior approval from the IRB.

UC’s website, https://www.ucumberlands.edu/gradschool/irb provides orientation materials about the research of human subjects and the IRB application process as well as the application and sample forms that will help students in the research process.

Questions beyond what is provided on the site can be directed to IRB@ucumberlands.edu.